Monday, December 28, 2009

portraits: sarah and chris

Rain spoiled our plans to go to the beach for their engagement session. However, Chris and Sarah (the 2nd place winners of the Dream Wedding Contest) still wanted to take some photos to give to their family for Christmas. Here are a few of them!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you are able to have a great time with your family and friends this time of year!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Worry and Wedding Photography

I approach a closed door in the hallway of a somewhat stuffy church. As I open it, a swirling cloud of hairspray, glitter and makeup washes over my face. Chattering, high-pitched voices squeal and giggle with delight of the day. I introduce myself to the ladies present and ensure that I will make them all look fabulous, but that it won't be that hard. As the dress goes on, I watch the delight and sigh of relief emerge on the face of the bride. A veil is placed atop a head of curls and bobby pins and suddenly it all becomes so real. She's getting married!

Most people think that being a wedding photographer is the easiest job in the world. I get to photograph people looking their best on what is generally considered to be the happiest day of their lives. Brides are radiant. Grooms are giddy and all is right in the world...or so people think.

Mothers ask for another group shot. Wedding planners are clueless. Sometimes the only one who knows what is supposed to happen at a wedding is the photographer. And then there are the moments that I think ever photographer secretly dreads at a wedding. The moment the bride walks down the aisle and the kiss. The bride emerges from behind closed doors and there is about 2 seconds of prime shooting time and only time for about one flash equaling one shot. Kisses are better, unless the groom pulls the brides face away from where I can see her with my camera. such is just the tip of the wedding iceberg problems and stresses.

Here is how people think wedding photographers spend their time:
And while photographers certainly do have a lot of fun, it is not always just butterflies and wedding bliss.
Being a wedding photographer is NOT the easiest job in the world. It is fast-paced, stressful, and nerve racking, but rewarding. Some think that all photographers ever do is take pictures for one day and then they are done...not true. Wedding photographers spend time shooting, yes, but also editing, talking to clients, creating albums, making orders and more.
Here is a more realistic graph from ISPWP of how photographers really spend their time:

I, myself, have always been prone to worrying over a wedding assignments. I think it happens to every photographer at some point. "What if I lose the images?" "What if the they don't like my images?" "What if I mess something up?" "What if the bride or her mom decides to sue me?" And I'm not the only one. On his blog, Strobist talks about some of the worry and preparation that goes into a "simple" shoot. Check it out here:

However, there is a great deal of photography that is a true joy and passion that makes it all worthwhile. No matter how tired I am I always get a big adrenaline rush right before a photo shoot or wedding. It is almost like a different person takes over. I am way more confident and outgoing with a camera in my hand then at any other time. Which is good because without it I would probably crumble into a mess of worry and fear.

At the end of the day though it is all worth it. I take one final photo of the bride and groom inside the getaway car, close the door, pat the hood and wave good-bye. I have the best job on earth.

SoCal Photog Shoot Out

I'm back from my first Photog Shoot out and I had a GREAT time. I'm so glad I get to be the fabulous Hanssie Trainor's ( "minion" next semester. should be in for a blast!

The photo shoot had a 1920's theme and I got some images that I just LOVE here are a few of them!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tie the Knot: Elsbeth and Ryley

They did it! My new vegan, biking, video-game loving friends are married. Today marked my first official wedding in Southern California! Hopefully, it will be the first of many. *crossing fingers*

Here are some images from the day of the gorgeous bride and her new husband. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

And the winner is....

Kristin Fruh and Bobby Kelley
Here is their winning story:

In all honesty, I need your help-
Bobby and I have been dating for almost three and a half years, and have yet to kiss. We are saving that special moment for our wedding day. While it has not been easy, AT ALL, we have managed to stay true to our promise and wait until our wedding day on July 3, 2010. With Bobby starting medical school in the fall, and I continuing my Masters at CBU, we are just barely going to be able to afford the portion of his medical school that has to be paid upfront. In additon, we might be relocating to Parker, Colorado or New York two weeks after we get married--depending on medical school.
I have gotten several estimates on the cost of our wedding photography and almost every single one is 2,000 bucks over our budget- putting us way over on our pre-set budget for the wedding also. (Something that we cannot afford to absorb ourselves) In reality all we want is for someome to successfully capture our first kiss, in the most important moment of our lives.

Kristin and Bobby will receive:
8 hours of photography coverage by Kristin Joy on their wedding day
"Get to Know Me" 2 hour engagement session
Digital negatives of all their edited images
Reprint rights to all their photos
16x20 finished print
(Total Value: $1500)


2nd Place goes to: Sarah Robinson and Chris Cloes
Will Receive Digital negatives of all their edited wedding images and reprint rights to all their photos. (Total Value: $500)

3rd Place goes to Julia Brinkley and Jon Pickard
Will receive 10% off of their wedding photography package up to $300 (Total Value: $300)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Elsbeth + Ryley

When Elsbeth approached me about photographing her wedding on a short notice, I couldn't have been more stoked. Not only will her wedding be my first in California, but her and her fiance are so unique and fun. Because Elsbeth and Ryley share a love for Lee's Sandwiches, they requested that we go there for their engagement shoot. Fine by me! I was also glad to have my man come along and get a taste of second shooting with me. Here are some pictures from the day!

My handsome man took this great photo!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lauren + Trent

I recently was able to shoot a great couple! Neighbors, Lauren and Trent, would use the power box in between their yards as a meeting spot to talk. It's no surprise that Trent proposed to Lauren. Lauren is gorgeous, but that isn't all, her bubbly spirit and warm smile is always a joy to me. Trent is such an incredibly generous man. He quickly became one of my favorites guys around when he bought Chick-Fil-A for us for dinner. What a great day!

Here are a few photos from their e-Session.

I let Trent take a few photos of his lovely bride-to-be. I think it was his favorite part.
This is my favorite photo from the day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

E-Shoot: Trent & Lauren

Trent and Lauren are definitely one of my favorite couples to date. Lauren is absolutely stunning and Trent couldn't be more enthralled with her. Throughout the shoot he repeatedly told me, "Isn't she gorgeous?" Here is a small collage of a few of the photo from their engagement shoot.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Future of Journalism

Honestly, the entire idea of the government funding any portion of the press as a whole is enough to send genuine chills up any journalists spine. Newspapers and broadcasts have often bucked the idea of government funding, however, with the invention of the internet and the easily accessible communication, it seems that the ability of newspaper to receive funding at the older rates may be declining.

Unfortunately, it seems as if newspapers are now finding themselves stuck in the black hole that is the internet with little chance of escape. Although publications like the Wall Street Journal are making their subscriptions available online for a fee (if even in small “micropayments.” I suspect that technology will soon become the boss of the news industry. Why should the average Joe purchase a subscription to the Journal when his news automatically shows up on his or her Google homepage or on his or her iPhone?
Because news industries did not react quickly enough to the changing technology of the “free” enterprise known as the internet, they will have a hard time convincing readers to now pay for something that they received for free.

As to the plan set forth in The Reconstruction of Journalism, I do not agree with the governmental matching proposal. This report by Leonard Downie, Jr. and Michael Schudson suggests that governmental funding would match funds raised by independent papers. This concerns me because it feels like it would then give the government 50% control of individual papers. It feels like this would give the government a sort of monopoly over the papers. A monopoly that paper have tried so long to escape.

To me, it seems like the most logical thing that will occur will one of two situations. One, newspapers will charge for virtual form and will see a drop in readership and eventually (maybe) see a re-growth after the shock value has worn off. However, for that to work, a substantial amount of respectable papers would all have to agree to begin charging for virtual format.

The second possibility is that newspapers will be forced to take the federal funding to survive.
Regardless, journalism will always exist in one form or another. Rather it be through a paper or a Twitter, someone will always have to gather the news and distribute it. News sources will survive based upon their ability to adapt to the ever growing world of technology.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I’m a very passionate person; not many people would contend with that notion. However, some things that people do arouse, not only frustration in me, but anger. I know that the Bible says to be “slow to anger”, but some things cause me to get aggravated quicker than others. For instance, one relatively minor irritation of mine is when people unnecessarily honk their horns, or honk for extended periods of time. I understand if someone is about to hit you, but there is no need to lay on your horn for fifteen seconds. My boyfriend enjoys participating in this irritation of mine and honking my horn when he drives my car.

Another minor irritation, is when I step on a melted ice cube while wearing socks in the winter. My feet are already naturally cold, so I try to wear socks sometimes to keep them warm. Stepping on melted, but cold water defeats the purpose of said socks and frustrates me to the “n”th degree.

These might be minor irritations, but few things drive me to real anger. One thing that makes me very angry is when parents over-punish their children in public places. For the past four years I have worked at a family entertainment establishment where parents are encouraged to play and interact with their toddlers. All children get tired and whine at times and, yes, they are more than capable of causing a big scene with a temper tantrum.

However, I don’t believe it is ever right for a parent or any adult to get angry at or hit a child in public. If a parent needs to discipline a child, it should be not be done in a store or public place, but rather at home where the matter can be discussed and dealt with.

Once such instance that infuriated me is the following story. The owner of a daycare brought approximately seven children into the facility which I worked. She then proceeded to turn the children loose to play in our ball pit area. As the children played, she would order food (with her company credit card) and proceed to read a book and eat. By and by, a boy who looked to be about three, exited the pit area and approached his caretaker to inquire as to a cup of water. She then aggressively grabbed him by the wrist and informed the boy that this was HER time and not to bug her. After hours of being rude to these children, the children’s parents would come pick them up at which point in time the “caretaker” would become sweet and loving to the children and hug them goodbye in front of their parents. This scenario was typical for this woman as she often would bring the children in on a regular basis.

Several things anger me about this behavior. The main thing is that I never witnessed the children ever do anything that was remotely disobedient or rude to this woman and yet she was cruel to them. Secondly, the fact that she used the children’s parent’s money to pay for her grotesque intake of nachos and yet was not even willing to give the children water. Lastly, that her behavior was manipulative in front of the parents exhibiting no integrity at all.

I hope I never subject my children to this kind of treatment.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Weston + Audrie

I got to shoot a gorgeous wedding yesterday! Audrie wore her grandmother's dress from 1953 and it's was utterly too adorable! The day was filled with items from Audrie's and Weston's parents and grandparents wedding. From authentic petticoats to cake servers to garters, the day was rich with memory and blessings. I'm so glad I got to be a part of their day!!!
I absolutely ADORE this photo of Audrie! Her eyes show a sexy innocence that I just love in brides.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

May 30th Wedding

Recently, I was given the privilege of shooting a very near and dear friend's wedding. Whitney was the president of the Gamma Alpha Lambda sorority I was in a few years ago. Her beautiful spirit and heart for the Lord truly shined through on her weddings day as she was nothing but smiles. Although the road leading up to the day of the wedding was a rocky one filled with heartache and for Whitney and her family, the day itself was filled with laughter and tears of joy. I'm so glad I was able to spend such a special day for her on a special day for 21st birthday. :-)

Mark is such an amazing man! He wrote letters to Whitney, her mother and his mother that morning.