Friday, April 16, 2010

class of 2010: ashley

Ashley was a little shy when she first stepped out of the car. I had talked to her prior to our shoot and I knew that she was a sweetheart, but I think the idea of being in front of the camera made her nervous. Ashley loves photos so I knew that having great senior pictures meant a lot to her. Knowing this, I was excited that she had picked me to capture this stage of her life. Ashley is being home schooled like I was at her age so, photographing her was a little bit like peeking a look back at myself. I'm happy with the way the images came out. I hope I filled her expectations!

This is my favorite from the day. I love the great expression and moment on her face. To me, it is pure joy.
Look at those eyes...STUNNING!

Ashley just adores her little sister, Laura, who has Down Syndrome. I was glad to be able to capture such a special bond.
What do you think?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cypress College Photo Expo

I missed WPPI this year because I had to go to class. Boo. So, I was stoked when I heard about the Cypress College Photo Expo. Jasmine Star, Chris Becker, Dane Sanders, Lawrence Chan were a few of the amazing photographers that came to speak.
It was hard to tell what was ore exciting "ghetto fabulous marketing" or Jasmine's brilliant style and personality. She truly is such a great speaker and a blessing!

Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday!

Overdue Easter Post

Yes, I know these photos are a little overdue, but I want to post them. Easter is always special for Dustin's family for several reasons. First, is the obviously celebration of Christ being raised from the dead and emerging from the tomb. Second, is the fact that it is Dustin's cousin, Miles' birthday. Third, is that all of Dustin's mom and her sisters get to all be together. This is rare since Julie lives in Virgina.

The smell on ham radiated from the instant we walked in the door. Kids running to and fro shortly ensued. Appetizers lined the counter-top. Guacamole, salsa, veggies, crackers and chocolate shortly became the munchies of choice while the ladies finished lunch.

Nana, Kim and Julie working away in the kitchen.

Dustin playing with his cousin's film camera.Owen asking his aunt, "Can we start yet?"
Logan's mad dash for Easter eggs.Mom and daughters.
Kim and Boomer
My handsome man and his classic eyebrow.
Dustin took this one of me and I think it's great!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Money Entagles: My tax woes

I officially hate doing taxes. They are so long and exhausting as a small business owner. You would think that the government would want to give small business owners a tax break, but noooo taxes are super high. Anyway, I have been so tangled up in my taxes that I have barely been able to think of any thing else.

So when I was given an the assignment of "Color" I had no idea what to do. Thank goodness for my amazing boyfriend who was gracious enough to not only help me come up with a concept, but was willing to model for me as well. Here is the representation of how I feel about taxes:
What do you think?